Laravel 6.8.0 Released
The Laravel team released a minor version v6.8.0 this week, adding useful test response updates, along with the latest features, changes, and fixes for Laravel 6.x:
ArrayAccess on Responses
Taylor Otwell Implemented ArrayAccess on JsonResponse and TestResponse classes. Having array access is convenient if you want to get JSON data in a test or JsonResponse instance. Taylor summarized how this could be useful in pull request (#30817):
When building / testing and JSON API, I like to sometimes interact with the raw JSON payload returned in the response. Normally you would have to access this via $response->original[‘foo’]; however, with this change I implement ArrayAccess on both JsonResponse and TestResponse in order to be able to proxy directly into the response JSON without going through the original property.
Here’s a quick example from the PR:
Packages Can Use Custom Markdown Mail Themes
Packages can now use custom markdown mail themes. Now, a package could use something like the following example:
Set an Individual Raw Attribute
You can now set raw values for individual model attributes using the setRawAttribute() method:
Force flag for artisan make:controller
Similar to models, you can force the creation of controllers with the make:controller command. Forcing is useful if you forget to use the –resource flag and want to recreate the controller:
Create a Seeder with artisan make:model
With the –seed flag, the make:model artisan command will create a seeder matching the model name:
You can see the full list of new features and updates below and the whole diff between 6.7.0 and 6.8.0 on GitHub. The full release notes for Laravel 6.0 are available in the GitHub v6 changelog:
- Allowed packages to use custom markdown mail themes (#30814, 2206d52)
- Added more quotes to Inspiring (4a7d566, 9693ced)
- Added support for nested arrays in TestResponse::assertViewHas() (#30837)
- Added Model::setRawAttribute() (#30853)
- Added –force option to the make:controller resource (#30856)
- Allowed passing an array to Resource::collection() (#30800)
- Implemented ArrayAccess on JsonResponse and TestResponse (#30817)
- Added –seed option to the make::model resource (#30828, 2cd9417)
- Fixed two index creation instead of one when using change() (#30843)
- Prevent duplicate attachments in the Mailable (3c8ccc2)
- Fixed ServiceProvider for PHP 7.4 in Lumen (#30819)
- Fixed non-eloquent model validation in database validation rules (#30840)
- Changed rescue() helper (#30838)
- Added previous exception to EntryNotFoundException thrown in Container.php (#30862)
- Changed DatabaseNotification::$keyType to match uuid (#30823)
Author: Paul Redmond