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Agile Software
Development Process

Agile software development process

Start Strong

A major part of your company’s success will always depend on how innovative you are. Whether it’s a way to personalize your client communications, complete product orders more efficiently, gain access to untapped markets, or even launch a completely new service, incorporating the right technology can help you get there, and get you there first. By using agile software development, we can ensure that we deliver your project on time and on budget.

Iterative & Incremental

We thrive by using both




Risk reduction


Higher quality


Use software to punch up your process

Project planning & control

Project planning & control

Standards & processes

Standards & processes





Code Review

Code Review

Cloud Solutions

Cloud Solutions


Scale up your team whenever you need it

Expanding your team
You can start the project with one developer and scale up to three or more during the scope of the project with different skills set. We take care for all of our developers to be well equipped with knowledge and experience to perform projects with the given requirements.

Our approach
Risking quality over speed might make you suffer some huge consequences. Especially when development efficiency is really important to your company. Just when you face the challenge, our involvement takes part. Kutia handles these situations with an approach where you can easily expand your team, develop more for a shorter period of time and launch faster.

We’re all in cloud
Building a secure and scalable process is one of the key chains to success. This is why our developers will help you build one so your software is ready to grow with your business.


Our developers become a part of your team

This approach has worked perfectly for remote collaboration with our clients.

We truly believe that the act of creating a phenomenal software product is a result of the cooperation between the client and the software team. Our success triangle’s ingredients: The client – The product – The development team

At Kutia, transparency is highly valued. This puts the client in a suitable position, being updated about the process of the development and having control over the project.

The purpose of the software is to help people. The purpose of our company is to bring that software to you!