BlockJump Kosovo

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What we do

Building unified decentralization capabilities to enable innovation leapfrogging in Kosovo.

About Us

BlockJump is an innovative initiative by three leading companies – Compellio, Kutia, & Luxembourg Blockchain Lab, co-financed (50%) by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and implemented by LuxDev, the Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency.

Our Goals:

1. Facilitate knowledge & innovation transfer between Luxembourg and Kosovo.

2. Build and enable innovation capacity in Kosovo.

3. Create sustainable long-term impact for local stakeholders in Kosovo

This project/initiative is financed by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and implemented by LuxDev, the Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency.



Compellio: A global provider of infrastructure components bridging traditional IT systems and blockchain/Web3 technologies. Compellio collaborates with MIT Connection Science on cutting-edge blockchain research and holds a USPTO patent on blockchain. Its clients include European institutions, public organizations, and private companies.


Infrachain / Luxembourg Blockchain Lab (LBL): A non-profit organization driven by Luxembourg’s emerging blockchain industry. Infrachain leverages cross-industry experience to accelerate blockchain adoption, share expertise, and create an international ecosystem. The Luxembourg Blockchain Lab, a collaboration between Infrachain, The LHoFT, LIST, SnT, and Letzblock, supports educational content development, student assessments, open innovation challenges, business development, networking, and marketing/communications.


Kutia: A leading software development company – the main local partner of BlockJump. Kutia trains future blockchain developers through organized and custom-designed training modules, enabling talents to enter the local market and work on diverse blockchain projects. Along with Compellio, Kutia promotes blockchain-enabled digital solutions across various sectors such as construction, real estate, agrifood, supply chain, and governmental services.